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How Games Connect Us: Gameplay and Social Emotions

    How games connect us: Gameplay and social emotions

    Session Title: How games connect us: Gameplay and social emotions
    ​Speaker: Matthew Farber, Assistant Professor, University of Northern Colorado
    ​Watch the session:

    Session description: Video games are interactive, dynamic, and connect us. When thoughtfully designed, games can help us to manage emotions, perspective-take, demonstrate empathic concern, and exhibit prosocial behaviors in safe practice spaces that are free from actualized consequences. They are the campfire of the modern age. In this talk, Dr Matthew Farber will share how games evoke social emotions through meaningful choices. We will also examine gaming literacy as a 21st-century skill.

    Bio: Matthew Farber, Ed.D., is an assistant professor of educational technology at the University of Northern Colorado, where he founded the Gaming SEL Lab. He has been invited to the White House, authored several books and papers, and is a frequent collaborator with UNESCO MGIEP and Games for Change. His latest book is Gaming SEL: Games as Transformational to Social and Emotional Learning. To learn more, visit